mardi 6 février 2018

[Australia] Top 3 - Best things about Australia East Coast

After 3 weeks in Australia, here is my TOP 3 regarding what I preferred in terms of activities and my TOP 3 on just the small things I loved about this country (I say East Coast because I have no idea how different life can be in the center or in the West...)


  • Snorkeling at the Outer Great Barrier Reef
  • Sailing in the Whitsunday Islands
  • Driving a 4x4 on Fraser Island


  • Australian people's humor
  • Safety & cleanliness
  • Nature "round the corner"
BONUS: the super delicious best pineapples I have ever tasted

[UK] Top 3 - Best Things about London

I have been in London a few times and my longer stay has been six months, during which I worked in Canary Wharf, and I LOVE the city! So just to avoid writing a too lengthy article, here is the TOP 3 of the things I liked (and still like) the most about this lovely place.

    • Coming from Paris (which felt pretty unsafe to me at times, due to pickpockets and some weird people wandering out there at night), I felt so safe in London! It might have been because of the CCTV everywhere and the culture...So I felt free to walk back home at night or just hang around even late at night, with some peace of mind
    • I guess this is what makes London so magical! Again, compared to Paris, people have weirder looks sometimes but that was ok, nobody judged them. I love seeing this diversity, this freedom and this also means wider options when it comes to shopping!
    • This also means somehow nicer people, always willing to help (rather than to judge you) which I also appreciated a lot
    • Let alone the bar culture, after work...Of course, we have this in France too but it seemed to me that it was way more 'traditional' and widely accepted.
    • That was my dream! Combining city life with large green spaces...and there are several parks even within the city centre! Hyde Park, Green Park...let alone if we go a little bit further, my all time favourite: Hampstead Heath!!!